Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The 21st century marches on

Courtesy Wonkette, this is what an emergency evacuation of the Capitol looks like:

There were emergency response team members, those are the men with the rifles and machine guns and they were also of course the uniformed division of the secret service. they were yelling at us to run. one man told me this is not a joke, and he said run, get off of the grounds. there's a group of reporters and producers that are actually lockdown inside of the white house in the briefing room area. at one point, we were given a choice, he said either get back inside or leave the grounds, and then the tone changed. at that point, i yelled, i asked him do we go inside or get off the grounds? we wanted clarification, and then he started yelling, get out of here, get off of the grounds, run. and that is when we started moving rather quickly. that is when we saw them positioned on the front lawn. that is when we saw them walk around with the dogs, guns drawn, and we were instructed to leave the white house grounds and to keep walking beyond the park that is right in front of the White House."

Turns out a single-engine plane had entered restricted airspace. Or maybe some interns with senioritis, remembering their high school days, pulled a fire alarm.

By the way, that link was to a site that apparently archives the closed captioning from CNN, essentially a document of whatever was said on the channel. Wish I could afford that membership!


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