Wednesday, May 11, 2005


The Knight-Ridder newspaper chain, which early this year bought a string of local tabloids published in various Peninsula* communities, has launched a new East Bay** paper, the East Bay Daily News. I don't know about other cities, but the SF Bay Area*** is rife with free tabloids, from the relatively venerable East Bay Express and San Francisco Bay Guardian to specialty papers like Poetry Flash and Psychic Reader -- not to mention ubiquitous catalogs and advertisers. I think it's all the coffee houses: we have to have something to read while we drink coffee. At least I do.

* Peninsula: The communities immediately south of San Francisco, all the way down to Palo Alto and as far as Santa Clara, but not inluding San Jose.
** East Bay: the communities on the eastern shore of San Francisco Bay, including Richmond, Albany, Berkeley, Emeryville, Oakland, and Alameda.
*** SF Bay Area: All of the above, plus San Jose, San Francisco, and Marin County. A more inclusive definition includes all of nine counties that somehow touch the bay, though this definition is more a product of television news and real estate developers.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh really!