Sunday, August 14, 2011

Summer of Infinite Jest: DFW's bandana

Pretty much just what you'd think:
I started wearing bandannas in Tucson because it was a hundred degrees all the time. When it's really hot, I would perspire so much that I would drip on the page. Actually, I started wearing it that year, and then it became a big help in Yaddo in '87 because I would drip into the typewriter, and I was worried that I would get a shock. And then I discovered that I felt better with them on. And then I dated a woman who ... said there were these various chakras, and one of the big ones was what she called the spout hole, at the very top of your cranium. And in a lot of cultures, it was considered better to keep your head covered. And then I began thinking about the phrase, Keeping your head together, you know? .... It's a security blanket for me.... It makes me... feel kind of creepy that people view it as an affectation or trademark or something. It's more just a foible, it's the recognition of a weakness, which is that I'm just kind of worried my head's going to explode.
-- Quoted on Flavorwire from a book of interviews with David Foster Wallace
He's covering his spout hole so his head doesn't explode. Perfectly clear. Any more questions?

1 comment:

vC said...

Bandana Republic. ;-)