Tuesday, June 03, 2008

More writers than readers: more evidence

Writing about a publishing industry convention, the annual Book Expo America, Salon's Laura Miller recounts the general pessimism about whether or not people are still reading books. Nevertheless:
Publishers complained that they received more pitches than they had a chance to deliver. "It's relentless," one sales rep sighed ... "Every time you turn around, someone's shoving a manuscript into your hands. I keep telling them I'm not an editor, but they don't seem to understand the difference." Aspiring writers planted themselves in autograph lines in a bid to pass unpublished manuscripts to established authors or to beg celebrities to plug their book on TV. (Apparently, all those Americans who claim to be too busy to buy or read books can still find plenty of time to write them.)
Previously: literary agent says "There are more writers than readers"

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