Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Too bad she isn't the one running

Whatever you think of presidential candidate John Edwards, you have to admire his wife. Facing a cancer death sentence, she's making her beliefs perfectly clear. Appearing with "other top candidates or their surrogates" at a Planned Parenthood event today, speaking to a gay rights group over the weekend. She's interviewed on Salon today.

As for her husband, he benefits by association, without actually having to come out and support the positions these groups support. If you agree with them, then he hopes you think he does too. If you don't, you're not going to vote for him anyway, so it's a no-lose situation for him.

I am kind of liking Edwards; I've been sending him small amounts of money. He's less divisive than Hilary -- if you thought there was partisan polarization during Bill's administration, just wait til she gets elected -- and more experienced than Obama.

Nevertheless, I think the absolutely perfect ticket would be Obama for president, Hilary for VP. She'd never settle for that, though.

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