Sunday, November 11, 2007

End of the weekend

Finishing up another weekend of writing, having redeemed the slow day yesterday with a good 3000 word day today. I'm nearing my 75,000 word count goal for the novel, and now I have another challenge: ending it. Yesterday at the start of work I mapped out several scenes that remain to be written purely from a plotting perspective; even after this weekend, there are at least seven more plot movements to hit.

That will take some doing, but it's pleasurable work; writing the end of a book and hitting plot points that have been prepared for all along is like kissing somebody you've had a crush on for a long time and having it turn out just as much fun as you always imagined.

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1 comment:

vC said...

Nice metaphor! (Although I think it's actually a simile...) I think dissertation writing has moments like that, but I don't think they're quite as sexy... Lucky you! Keep going!