Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Pilates godfather: Yur doin it wrong

Ron Fletcher, the man who is responsible for passing on the Pilates bodywork technique, says it shouldn't be thought of as an exercise regimen but as "an art, a science." Millions of grim-faced twenty- and thirty-somethings disagree.

No one ever points out that the regimen, or whatever it is, is named after the Roman administrator who famously washed his hands of guilt for the crucifixion of Jesus, and how fitting it is that such a strenuous exercise should be named for a torturer. Coming soon: the Torquemada.


Alexis said...

Joe Pilates was a Roman assassin? I thought he was a German boxer.

Mark Pritchard said...

I was referring to Pontius Pilate, but I kid.

Alexis said...

Yeah, me too.