Thursday, January 15, 2004

This just in

Salon, the online magazine that has just gotten $800K in life-support from Jann Wenner and John Warnock (magazine publisher and software magnate, respectively), is essential for information like this:

Annie, 23, said that in her comparatively brief stroll around the sexual block, she has encountered two men who shave the bulk of their genital area. "I'm amazed that I have seen more than one bare set of balls," she said. At least one of those sets had been stripped of its protective fur with an electric razor. Yee-ouch. The first time she encountered these smooth sacks, Annie said, "I knew something was different, but it took me a minute to figure out what it was. But did it turn me on? Not particularly." I asked Annie about Newsweek's claim that the major draw of a hairless scrotum is that it makes the machinery look bigger. "No. It reminded me of a newborn puppy dog," she said. "Puffy and exposed."

You can't get that kind of news and analysis anywhere else.

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