Thursday, January 08, 2004

Two weblogs to watch

For those who follow religion news -- i.e. news about religious groups, spiritual movements, the interface of religion, politics and society -- I've recently added two weblogs to the list at the right:

Christianity Today's religion news weblog, where each entry is actually a pointer to a much longer list of daily entries. CT is a mainstream-conservative publication, and this perspective sometimes colors their selection and description of news stories, but the sheer number of breadth of stories here is useful.

The Revealer, a new weblog by Jeffrey Sharlett, editor of the interesting but sometimes twee spirituality website Killing the Buddah and author of Jesus Plus Nothing, the landmark article in Harper's on the crypto-fascist Christian organization "The Fellowship."

Finally, for what it's worth, there's this Washington Times piece on how radical conservative Episcopalians are using the web to further their aims.

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