Wednesday, October 01, 2003

He's got my vote

I never knew, until the arch-conservative Weekly Standard revealed it today, that California Lt. Governor Cruz Bustamante is the brother of San Francisco performance artist Nao Bustamante. No doubt the rightist rag intended to shock and entertain readers with its description, copied from Nao's website, of her unforgettable performance in 1992 to celebrate 500 years of Columbus discovering America. In the show, she donned an Indian headdress and a dildo harness, through which she inserted a huge burrito and invited male members of the audience to kneel in front of her and take a big bite and then apoligize for 500 years of oppressing native Americans. It was one of the funniest and greatest things I've ever seen.

In the event that this news could possibly dissuade people from voting against Cruz -- a candidate as colorless and boring as Nao is fabulous -- I'm switching candidates and voting for him.

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