Tuesday, February 10, 2004

'Heavenly B.O.'

As I and millions of others blogged over the weekend, an American Airlines pilot alarmed passengers Friday when he asked them to raise their hands if they were Christian (he apologized later in the flight after flight attendants apparently began to catch flak from miffed passengers [not real flak]). Today, the gay magazine The Advocate is the only publication to score an interview with the now-embarrassed flyboy -- its executive editor happened to be on the flight. The moderative-conservative publication Christianity today praised the interview for its fairness.

Only my close friends know this, but my older brother is an airline pilot -- and a fundamentalist Christian to boot. But not even he would be dumb enough to pull something like that.

In other news, Variety brings you the headline of the month:

'Passion' poised for heavenly B.O.

Meanwhile, NASCAR driver Bobby Labonte will be "racing for the Lord" this weekend.

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