Sunday, February 08, 2004

Weekend update

Today's such a gorgeous, sunny Sunday. Traditionally I hang around the house on Sunday afternoons, puttering around and just enjoying the sun, which streams in through the kitchen windows and makes the whole house warm. The office (actually the back bedroom) also faces west, and gets plenty of sun from noon onward; it's almost too bright in there to use the computer on days like this. But I sit in there and read, or go in the basement and do laundry.

Lately this blog has gotten more newsy-linky and less personal -- which some people are glad of, no doubt. As I grow more aware of a slowly rising readership (though still miniscule as these things are measured -- on good days, 100 readers), I'm sometimes hesitant to put really personal things here. In fact I have a diary on my laptop that I don't publish, and it's there I put all my sexual conquests, revenge fantasies and funky moods. Nonetheless, I have a tendency to be revealing. I recently compared my website to one run by a new crush, and my site is almost embarassingly larger and more comprehensive; it now feels like there's too much stuff on here. My novel is too long too: according to Katia's estimation, it runs more than 600 pages. And I don't feel like I can cut either the book or much off this site. So here I am, hanging out all over, if you're interested.

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