Wednesday, June 16, 2004

As if there aren't enough books already

Did another turn at the l.n.c.b. last night, something I masochistically continue to do once or twice a month. I say I'm doing it for the money, but by the time I get done paying for gas, bridge tolls, the food I inevitably buy at a discount from their cafe, and the book I can't stop myself from buying (I get an employee discount, who could resist!), I barely clear $25 for a five-hour shift. So why the hell do I continue? I really don't know. In addition to taking up a whole evening, it's exhausting.

But for those of you who want to add to the millions of books on sale in America, you can always try this: software that "helps."

My chosen writing aide is a CD-rom from Creativity Software Ltd called NewNovelist which, according to the blurb on the back, "takes you on a journey; it harnesses your creativity and helps you write your own novel." The Sunday Times said, "the magic of NewNovelist is that it doesn't feel as if you are writing a book." Great! That's how I've been feeling for years!

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