Monday, February 19, 2007

Buy my friend's new book

One of my best friends, Sara Miles, has a new book out, Take This Bread, a memoir about her conversion to Christianity and starting a food pantry for poor people in one of San Francisco's richest Episcopal churches. An excerpt from the book was published on Salon Saturday (I'm slightly embarrassed to admit that this excerpt happens to mention me personally -- not that embarassed, of course, since like everyone else on the internet I am a total egotist, but that's not why I'm pushing her book; I'm pushing it because it's a great piece of writing) and has attracted over 250 letters to the editors so far.

There will be a book party this Sunday at the church where, more than five years later, the food pantry is still going strong.

Read Sara's other articles on Salon:
- Habeas Corpus and the Bush administration's attacks on it
- How bans on gay marriage affect children
- Bush's wiretapping frenzy
- Rome's latest witch hunt for gays

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