Friday, February 02, 2007

It's Bad Behavior Friday™! -- lesbian wedding edition

A very strange entry on Wired's "Table of Malcontents" blog: a man posts his dream about attending a lesbian wedding. At the end of it, his girlfriend skips off to join the lesbians, and he is sad. There's something hilariously pathetic about this. It's not the usual mayhem I post on Bad Behavior Friday™! but somehow grasps the whole spirit of imaginative stupidity that characterizes many of the crimes and fuckups.

Right, then. On to the mayhem.

I'm sure you've read of the panic in Boston over the little advertising gizmos and the dadaist approach to the press conference by the two mooks who stuck them up. In New York and all the other cities they were placed -- not by the same guys, but by others hired by an advertising agency -- people yawned. Everyone else said "God, another stupid advertisement." And there's no need even to lump all of Boston into the panicked category -- most likely it was just one hysterical person saying THERE'S A BOMB ON THE UNDERSIDE OF THE BRIDGE AND IT'S GIVING ME THE FINGER!!

So my question is: What is wrong with that person?

Kudos to John Brownlee -- the same fellow who had that lesbian wedding dream -- for finding the term "infernal device" in the law the mooks are charged with breaking.

Close to home, the administration of San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsome has had a Very Bad Week. First it came out that the mayor's press secretary, Peter Ragone, had been posting comments defending the mayor on people's blogs using other names. The SFist blog broke the story. Then things got much worse: When it came out that the mayor himself had had an affair with his campaign manager's wife, the campaign manager quit and Newsom had to go on camera yesterday (priceless photo in the Chronic) and say sorry.

Damn San Francisco values!

Also in SF, someone discovered that the Indian Consulate improperly disposed of visa applications from thousands of people across 11 western US states. There are some great quotes there from consulate officials who really Just Don't Get It.

All right. On to the mayhem. Really.

In Seattle, a woman and her nephew are accused of kidnapping her husband in a comical, bumbling plot.

And in Kansas City, two cops were suspended after they ignored the pleas of a woman who was having a miscarriage.

In Houston, an enterprise combined money laundering, check cashing, prostitution and "modeling" all in one business. Sounds like someone has the American spirit! They just need to go to work for Halliburton.

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