Sunday, February 25, 2007

Music, quietude, rain, coffee

Yesterday evening I sang with my church choir. It sounds harmless enough but it meant standing for 100 minutes rehearsing, followed by a 20 minute break, then a concert lasting an hour and ten minutes. Exhausting. This was followed by the regular Sunday schedule of rehearsing at 9:00 a.m. this morning, followed by the service itself lasting until 12:30; but at least you get to sit down for much of that time.

I love music and singing but I'm not very good, and in addition there is a shortage of tenors so I have to sing tenor, when I'm really a baritone. That means singing in an uncomfortably high range. But I'm not complaining; I get to sing. Perhaps the listeners are complaining. The other tenor might complain about my singing, but he's paid, so he has nothing to complain about either. (Seriously, he's a very nice guy who does 80% of the heavy lifting, while I just sort of provide a little blended cover so it doesn't sound like he's singing by himself.)

For the rest of the day I hung around the house; Cris and I wrangled the files in the file cabinet a little. And I dug in the basement until I found issue 5 of Frighten the Horses so I could photocopy an article we published about the Street Patrol. Then it was off to Golden Gate Park to feed the feral cats.

All in all a peaceful weekend. I am not dead or sick, just taking a bit of a break from the media-obsessed blogging I have been doing for a few years, I guess.

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