Sunday, May 04, 2008

Austistic child takes Disney ride > 2000 times

An autistic child responds only to a certain ride at Disney World -- so his family moved to Orlando so he could go on the ride as much as possible. So far he's done it over 2000 times.

I don't know what's more horrifying about this story -- the living hell that his parents must be going through (even if they take turns accompanying the child, imagine having to do anything over a thousand times), or the fact that only an expensive, compelling commercial fiction can raise the child out of his own living hell.

I suppose there are worse things -- say, being a prisoner in Abu Gharib, perhaps... Hmm, that would be an interesting test. Take a guy from Abu Gharib and put him on that ride 2000 times and see how long it takes before he begs to be returned to prison.

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