Friday, September 27, 2002

More signs of the coming apocalypse

If Nelson Mandela didn't do it for you, here's something else. It will make you lose any hope you had that the U.S. is not fast on the road of decadent collapse: Skydriving. That's sky-DRIVING with an R. People wearing parachutes on their backs sit in a car as it rolls out the back of a cargo plane at 15,000 feet.

“It’s very surreal, it’s like you’re in a dream. The windshield blocks the noise, and you are floating around up there with the world moving by you on all sides.” He and other skydivers who accompany the cars take turns behind the wheel, “driving” for the first two miles—or 60 seconds—bailing out and pulling their chutes as the cars hurtle the last few thousand feet—and 10 seconds or so—to the ground.

Where's my passport?

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