Monday, September 01, 2003

Oh dear

Satire is dead, Garry Trudeau wrote many years ago. But that doesn't keep stories like this from popping up: a version of the New Testament being marketed to teenage girls with a cover resembling a teen fashion magazine, including lines like "How Get Along with Your Mom" and "Beauty Secrets You've Never Ever Heard of Before!"

In addition to the biblical text — written in the modern English of the New Century VersionRevolve also features teen 'zine staples such as quizzes, Top 10 lists, and Q&A's. They focus, however, on religious topics like, "Are you dating a godly guy?" and inner-beauty advice. There are also tips on prayer, volunteerism, and calendars with entries, such as "Pray for a person of influence: Today is Michael Jordan's birthday" on Feb. 17.

In other non-news: It is a lovely cool, sunny day, and I have the day off from one of my jobs (while still being obliged to go to the l.n.c.b. in the evening). I went to morning prayer this morning and was the only one there, but it was beautiful and quiet and my solo voice echoed in the sunny church.

People have asked me, What happened with that incident in the l.n.c.b. where an employee was injured? I don't know yet. When I left the place Saturday evening, the poor girl was lying on the couch in the breakroom being ministered to by a supervisor while an Emeryville cop stood around casually. Undoubtedly he took a report from her which included the name and address of the perp, an old boyfriend. And I spoke briefly to the boss after church on Sunday; she said she had calls in to corporate to find out what assistance they could offer. I'll go back tonight and perhaps find out something.

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