Saturday, September 01, 2007

Another sign of the Apocalypse

There's this blogger Fred Clark, who writes the blog Slactivist where, among other interests, he has been going through the book Left Behind scene by scene. It's a long book and he has been at it literally for years -- and this is just the first volume. He goes through it to show just how completely stupid it is from a genuine Christian perspective. (Nonbelievers probably assume the book's prattle is standard Christian belief, which is just what the authors would like everyone to think. But most Christian denominations do not support belief in "the Rapture" or the system of millenialist beliefs espoused in the book and others like it, such as "The Late Great Planet Earth," the late 1960s-era book that pushed millenialist theology into the mainstream. Even the arch-conservative Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, which supports a literal reading of scripture, has officially taken a position against Left Behind.) Clark's writing is crisp and entertaining and the whole project is IMO an amazing act of literary and social criticism.

I mention him today because his latest post manages to link the events in the 1995 book with Burning Man. Worth reading through the whole long post just for the joke.

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