Thursday, September 13, 2007

In the South in September, nobody cares about baseball

"About 400" people watched a major league baseball game between the Florida Marlins and the Washington Nationals earlier this Wednesday afternoon at Dolphins Stadium in Miami (Washington Post story). Former SF Giants player Todd Linden, hitting .226 for the season, won the game for the Fish in the 12th inning, a game one of the players described (if you believe the article) as "friggin' miserable." I have the feeling he used stronger language.

Update: The box score shows 10,000 tickets were sold, not the actual attendance, and a total of 16 pitchers -- 9 for the Nationals, 7 for the Fish. Can you imagine being a Nationals outfielder when they stop the game for a pitching change for the seventh time??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Unreal.