Sunday, September 23, 2007

Keepin' on

According to my little chart over there on the right, I'm halfway through the first draft of my new novel after 8 weeks (really 8 weekends). My goal is really more like 90K words, not 75K, because it will allow me to cut, so I'm not celebrating yet. But it's good to make constant progress.

One of the little jokes I'm playing on myself is taking a character and situation from my recently completed (yet still to be rewritten one more time) novel about an American girl in India and using them in the new book, which has a completely different focus and setting. One of the minor characters in the India book appears in the new one. This would be a sort of shared joke with readers, except that the India novel has no readers yet.

Speaking of the India novel, it was called Dear Prudence. But my agent -- who has asked for a rewrite with a certain focus -- said the title didn't do anything for her, and she got the reference, too. So the title of that book, which I will rewrite next spring after I finish the current project, shall henceforth be Bangalored.

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