Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Having fun over there

Breaking my previous record, I posted five entries in one day over at sf.metblogs. The tiger story, she has been good to me.

It occurred to me, as I was updating the fourth, news-filled post, that the tiger story is on the verge of becoming a classic SF story, like the JT LeRoy hoax, the dog mauling, and my favorite of all time, the Condor Club bouncer who was killed by Carol Doda's piano. (In that incident, which happened around 1980, a bouncer was killed while having sex after hours with one of the club's strippers on top of the piano. The piano was rigged to descend from the ceiling with Doda on top of it, her grand entrance. While the bouncer and the stripper were fucking, the piano's mechanism somehow got started, and the piano began rising toward the trap door, which was closed. The dancer was nimble enough to jump off, but the bouncer weighed over 300 pounds and couldn't get off the piano, as it rose to the ceiling, crushing him to death. Best! Story! Evar!!1!)

The 2005 chili finger story came close, but regrettably it happened in San Jose.

Let's see how the tiger's tale measures up:
Sex - no
Money - no, at least until the lawsuits start
Death - yes
Bizarre factor - yes
Celebrity - yes, when you include the lawyers
Happened largely in SF - yes
Took advantage of SF liberal fantasies about itself - yes
Clearly all that it lacks is sex. Sigh.

1 comment:

Chris C. said...

Yes. My favorite story still, bar none. What could possibly be better.

I'm embarassed to admit I'd gotten foggy on the details and had it in my mind that somehow the stripper was stuck under the bouncer but didn't die and spent the night there under the dead 300-pound carcass, squished against the ceiling. What a fate. Glad you got my memory back on track.

And yes, I've had the same feeling about the tiger story. I was sure of it when a group of us down here in the desert over the holidays were together, the tiger story came up, and everyone knew about it and were totally clued in on the details. And agreeing with satisfaction that it could be "Only in San Francisco" when it was mentioned that there was a memorial for the tiger in GG Park.