Sunday, January 20, 2008

'Who are you calling Cootie Queen, you lint licker?!'

I'm going to show how low-class I truly am with this post, but... You know how TV commercials sometimes stick in your mind, and you want to know more about them, and it's not like you can look them up on or anything.

This is the commercial I was obsessed with:
That actress who plays the gum-chewing mistress is so hilarious that I wanted to know who it was. Fortunately, thanks to Google, with a little patience you can find out just about anything. Her name is Jesse Meriwether, and she is from New Orleans.

I also found another commercial she was in, unfortunately without dialogue from her:


Radman said...


Anonymous said...

Is the woman in the Superbowl Bridgestone Ad also Jesse?

It sure looks like her.

Mark Pritchard said...

Yes, sure does!

Anonymous said...

She is not from New Orleans. She's a friend of mine. She was raised in Gulfport, MS... but moved to N.O. and then Burbank, California.

And yes, that is her in the Bridgestone Ad as well.

Here's her myspace:

Have a great day! =)

Anonymous said...

Don't go stalkin' her but I was in her high school drama class at Gulfport High School. She is a fantastic actress. She was the best Helga Tendorp EVER. You think she is pretty? You should see her mom. They are both knockouts!