Friday, January 25, 2008

Here comes the rain again

It's been raining for a few days. Since I hardly have to be out in it, I find it rather nice. The biggest venture was to a restaurant on Mission St. where my friend Namita had invited people for her birthday. She and I have a bit of history together, which she began referring to and then stopped herself and said confidentially, "I'd better watch what I say, there are people here from different parts of my life and they don't know everything about me." Nor do I, but I do like that we had Stephanie in common.

One thing the rain has done is make me a little bit bleary creatively. I was on such a roll with my just completed book that it's a little hard to walk into my writing room and think about anything else. I'll start the way I started working my self up to writing that book: by reading.

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