Saturday, August 10, 2002


Another thousand words

Wrote another thousand words on my novel today, but I didn't finish the chapter as I'd hoped. It keeps expanding. Not just the chapter, the whole book. At the current rate, the first draft will be about 150,000 words (I'm at 110,000 words now), which is approximately the length of Underworld. I guess it's always better to have something longer to cut than it is to reach the end and find out you've only written, say, 37,000 words.

My friend Susie, also a writer, really started laughing when I once reported my day's work to her in terms of word count. "It's really about quantity for you, isn't it?" she asked. (Just as a comparison, her short stories generally run about 2200 words, while mine run three or four times that long. So that shows where she's coming from.)

Had a lovely drink last night with Dina, a genuine sexual revolutionary. The stories she had to tell! I won't repeat them here in case she wants to write a memoir someday. So much fun.

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