Monday, August 19, 2002


I went to my chiropractor today. Apropos of nothing, she brought up the war-to-be. Everybody can see it coming; can't somebody stop it?

Even some Republicans -- and some say, Bush pere himself -- are advising Bush against it (see this 17 Aug 02 New York Times article -- free reg. required), but I think W thinks it's his destiny.

If he does manage to muddle through without causing World War III, I suppose the best we can hope for is that he won't get re-elected, though that seems like small comfort. Don't even the Republicans realize that the Gulf War plunged the country into a recession? -- you'd think that, at least, would dissuade them. But they're all in it for the short run. I've always had the impression that the Republicans, when they're in power, are the quickest to steal and defraud because they're all 60 or 70 years old and they know they have only a few years left to live. Democrats, on the other hand, are young when they're in the White House -- they know they have decades left -- they're still thinking about getting laid!

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