Friday, November 28, 2003

Don't be crabby

All the kittens you'd ever want (v. large page with many photos; courtesy Metafilter)

On first visit as President, Bush can't pronounce "Nevada"

Get a load of the Swedish model whom Tiger Woods has gotten engaged to. Cris's comment: "Geez... Was that really necessary?"

Comparisons to Mai Britt are allowed. And while we're at it, check out the whole Swingin' 60s Chicks website.

Finally, consider this startling picture of Japanese royal Princess Sayako, daughter of the current emperor. She's wearing a suit with a cape that makes her look like a cross between a superhero and Joan of Arc (the bowl haircut doesn't help either). Being a royal must entail a lot of fashion pressure. It's too bad because Japanese youth have the best fashion imagination in the world.

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