Thursday, November 27, 2003

The horrible "threat" to "families"

"The homosexual activist movement," said James Dobson, founder of the Christian group Focus on the Family, "is now closer than it has ever been to administering a devastating and potentially fatal blow to the traditional family."

That's from today's AP story headlined (awkwardly) Getting Gay Marriage Nationwide Complex.

Mark Morford, writing on SFGate last week, attacks this view with heavy sarcasm:

An enormous and quivering chunk of the BushCo-voting nation cowers in inexplicable horror. And almost every one of them is vowing, right this minute, to vote for Bush in the next election, if for no other reason than because he's a none-too-bright born-again Christian who will protect them from those icky homos and will invoke God's name as it's supposed to be invoked.

Just what does a potentially fatal blow to America's families look like? Well, if I were an evil, powerful mad supervillain and wanted to "administer a devastating blow to the traditional family," here's what I'd do:

  • I'd put families in ugly, treeless anonymous suburban developments
  • Both parents would have to work 50+ hour-a-week jobs [permalink] to pay for the debt incurred by their $50,000 wedding, buying and furnishing their dreamhouse, and compensating for their absence by buying their children all manner of electronic crap
  • I'd destroy drama, music and arts programs in schools, so that the kids would have nothing else to do but play with the electronic crap
  • At the same time I'm forcing both parents to work, I'd take away workplace protections for women and stop employers from having to pay overtime
  • I'd create a culture of double standards where it's okay for "adults" to drink and handle their problems with prescription medications, while insisting their kids "say no to drugs"
  • I'd do everything to destroy nature and cover the landscape with malls and highways, making it so unpleasant to walk or bike anywhere that people are forced to spend enormous amounts of time in cars, thus increasing their consumer debt while further destroying the environment, and incidentally pushing the country into wars to protect its access to oil resources
Gee, I don't think homosexuals are responsible for any of that, are they?

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