Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Still here

I haven't had a lot of opportunities lately to blog or even surf the web. Busy at work, and in the evening. But I just wanted to check in and say I'm still around.

My great friend Christine is visiting in town, and we went to a Robert Gluck reading at the Jewish Community Library, where our friend Lisa Bernstein produces events. Back in the late 80s (!!) Christine and I performed together as part of a group called "Short on Attitude," and Lisa was one of the performers who appeared from time to time in our pieces.

Fifteen years later, I'm primarily a writer, Lisa's primarily a singer-songwriter, and Christine's primarily a painter. But instead of talking about art, tonight we all sat around after the reading talking about taking care of our now-elderly parents and wondering who was going to take care of us in thirty years. Well, we talked about art too.

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