Monday, November 03, 2003

Meme of the month (or probably last month)

I just noticed this a couple days ago: Bleeding-edge hipsters and bloggers are using "teh" (sic) instead of "the" as a definite article -- or sometimes simply as a sort of emphasis. Some examples:

darquerchylde ("Tears for teh nooner... He is possibly needing a new wife at teh moment")
Ultimate Fan Fiction Central (Over the top, utterly crazy intentional misspelling)
Marin's webpaeg (sic -- this guy is very into transposing letters in words)
Zone H ("truelier and she are teh same person")
alanafish ("She's so teh whore")

I'm at a loss as to what's up with all that. The completely insane level of intentional misspelling on the Fan Fiction Central page suggests it's simply an anarchic burst of bratty energy. But the use of "teh" in the phrase "she's so teh whore" seems to be less of a misspelling of "the" and more of a qualifier, as if someone who is "so teh whore" is somehow more of a whore.

You may be wondering what I was doing on all those weird adolescent sites. Actually I found them on Google after noticing "teh" used on BoingBoing this morning ("Choire has teh funny"). I saw it last week somewhere else, and thought it was just a typical typo -- but after seeing it used on BoingBoing, where nothing is unintentional, I knew something was up. But what??

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