Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Gee, that's what mothers are for

A hilarious, on-target piece in Salon discusses the phenomenon of sentimental "tribute to suffering mothers" email, referred to as "mommy mails":

Occasionally, though, mommy mails hint that these scarily stoic women are not always thrilled with their lives. In "Why Women Cry," which I received two or three times in the past year, a boy catches his mother weeping and asks why. "Because I'm a woman," she replies. The kid, understandably still baffled, asks God why is mother is weeping. The Almighty explains that every woman is granted the ability to "take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complaining," as well as the stamina to put up with the children "who hurt her very badly" and the husband who "tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly."

Usually, women deal. But for the really tough times, God adds, they receive "a tear ... to use whenever it is needed." He makes it sound a little like a cyanide pill.

It reminded me of a TV commerical from my own childhood years. As a doughty mother cooks, cleans and carries her sprouts to Little League, an announcer intoned something like, "You cook for them.. Clean for them... Drive them around. You hardly have time for yourself." Then the scene cut to an aggressive 8-year-old dunce, who looked into the camera and announced: "Gee... That's what mothers are for!"

Of course, I have no memory of what product was being advertised. Bubble bath, maybe. But anyway, this aren't-you-a-womderful-martyr message has been around at least 40 years.

Further links:
That's Why God Made Mothers apron
an example of the kind of crap the author is talking about
Marine mothers "know all about waiting", including the "That's what mothers are for" dictum
the Christian Homekeeper website, including articles on "modesty, biblical submission,
    the Christian Life, homeschooling, children, salvation, homekeeping, organization, cooking,
    recipes, cleaning and more."

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