Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Getting it down Pat

Courtesy LutheranChik -- we Lutherans can't stand self-satisfied, televangelist bloviators -- here's a fuller list of Pat Robertson's Stupid Quotes.

A commenter to a previous post pointed out that Pat Robertson isn't a fundamentalist, but a charismatic. I appreciate the correction. Though the distinction is lost on most people, I guess calling people like Robertson a fundie is an insult to fundamentalists, who shoot themselves in the foot all the time just fine without his help. A "fundamentalist" Christian is someone who takes the Bible literally and believes there is no salvation without Jesus, among other beliefs. A "charismatic" may also belive those things, but in addition to the revelation given through the Bible also believes the Holy Spirit communicates directly with believers, giving them additional information, such as a prophecy about the future.

Of course, as many have pointed out, if fundamentalists were real literalists when it comes to the Bible, they wouldn't wear polyester, would constantly be sacrificing animals to YHWH, would never eat rare steak, wouldn't touch their wives for a week out of every month, and on and on. But let's stop there before we get in any deeper.

Update: The Christianity Today weblog -- they come from a conservative viewpoint, but they're not crazy -- has an excellent roundup, with comments from many conservative Christian leaders condemning Robertson's remarks.

Previously: Robertson issues fatwa

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