Satellite photos of flooding
It took me a while, but I finally found satellite before-and-after photos of New Orleans flooding -- also here. They were on the NASA site.
Meanwhile, in the purgatorial Superdome:
The situation inside the dank and sweltering Superdome was becoming desperate: The water was rising, the air conditioning was out, toilets were broken, and tempers were rising.
The dome is still surrounded by flooded streets, and getting buses to the ramps will be difficult, if not impossible. The floodwaters are threatening the generators which are providing electricity for the remaining lighting.
Where the heck are they going to put those 25,000 (or 15K or 30K -- numbers vary) refugees? Why, in the disused Astrodome 353 miles west in Houston [ map it ]. 25,000 people 353 miles using 475 buses -- and much of the first 20 miles of the route is under water. Good luck with that!
The NoLa mayor seems to be on the verge of losing it, saying there might be "thousands dead" in the city's floods.
But the best post of all is Tony Pierce on how the media looks at "looting" -- according to press reports, white people "find food" while black people "loot." For example, see this SF Chronicle page showing white people "cleaning up a convenience store".
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