Monday, January 30, 2006

Bull: 'It's a good day to die'

Holy fucking shit! A bull in a Mexican bullring, figuring he had nothing to lose, vaults gracefully into the stands (that's a 9.5 right there) and wreaks havoc [video] as spectators scatter. The rampage lasts about 45 seconds before the picadors finally get off their high horses, jump into the stands themselves, and dispatch the beast.

This footage will no doubt be shown for years... That bull's jump into the bleachers is amazing all on its own.

Print story: here and here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I applaud the bull's spirit - go out fighting... the scene reminded me of a similar one in "Spartacus," in which two gladiators are forced to fight to the death for the perverse pleasure of some wealthy people... one gladiator has the other pinned, but instead of killing his opponent, turns and runs for the spectators... he jumps halfway into the stands as a spear from a guard pierces him in the back... can't blame him for trying... they string the slain gladiator up, as I'm sure they did to El Toro Muerto...