Friday, January 06, 2006

It's Bad Behavior Friday!

You thought I forgot, didn't you. No, I wasn't satisfied with the stories of mere fallen dentists caught with crack next to a dead woman. I wasn't going to give you just homophobic Baptist would-be cocksuckers busted by undercover cops. No, I was saving it for the real thing.

But first, I apologise. This morning's was not the only Abramoff post this week.

Here we go. Courtesy Wonkette, here's the real story behind the Abramoff scandal: it all started to fall apart when a jilted lover and former Tom DeLay press sec'ty took revenge and called the FBI. The woman in question is Emily Miller, who became briefly famous when she tried to interrupt an interview between Meet The Press's host Tim Russert and then-Sect'y of State Colin Powell.

So best.

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