Saturday, August 12, 2006

Breaking: Americans are stupid

Overheard on the road:

In a small town:
Woman 1 (stopping to examine a shop): Oh -- "Shirts and Stuff."
Woman 2: "Shirts and Stuff!"
Woman 1: What time are they open tomorrow? Oh, they're not open on Sunday!
Woman 2: Shirts!
Man 1: What is it?
Women 1 and 2, together: "Shirts and Stuff"!
Man 2: Do you need shirts?
Man 1: Or stuff?
In a diner:
Old woman: I'll have eggs.
Waitress: How do ya want 'em?
Woman: Scrambled.
Waitress: Toast or hashbrowns?
Woman: Toast.
Waitress: White, wheat or sourdough?
Woman: Sourdough.
Waitress (turning to old man): And you, sir?
Man (quickly): I'll have eggs, over hard, wheat toast!
Waitress: You were all ready, weren't you? You're a good listener!
So painful. The food there really sucked too.

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