Monday, August 07, 2006

What are you working on? : novelist Anne Elliott

Just posted in my series of interviews with writers about their current projects, Anne Elliott, who is working on two novels -- one of them a ten year-long project:
Following the advice of trusted readers (and some helpful rejections), I cut the novel to two protags. Now, under the advice of my agent, who is a seasoned book editor as well, I am making it a one-protag, singular-narrative novel. So it will have gone from 0 words to about 140,000 to about 70,000 in the ten or so years I've been working at it. This is definitely the project on which I have been learning basic writing lessons, especially about scaling back grandiose ideas. It has been a humbling experience.
By the way, if you're a writer who is in the middle of something and would like to talk about your struggles, let me know: mark dot pritchard [at] gmail

1 comment:

Myfanwy Collins said...

Excellent! Thanks for this interview, Mark, as always.