Monday, September 25, 2006

Oh, super

Recently I've been working on some short stories about superheroes. Clearly I'm on the back side of this meme, though. Just this year:
  • Deborah Eisenberg's short story collection Twilight of the Superheroes -- which, admittedly, is actually about Sep. 11 and not actually about superheroes
  • A new NBC series permiering tonight, Heroes, which is about superheroes
  • The b-grade reality show in SciFi Network, Who Wants to Be a Superhero?
  • A Call For Submissions I was forwarded a couple of weeks ago for a new anthology of stories about queer superheroes.

    Except for the last example, all the people who developed those works started two or three years ago. In 2004 I was doing... let's see. I was changing jobs, and I was trying to get an agent for the novel I had just finished, the one about the really current cultural phenomenon (i.e. circa 1960), the Rat Pack. I am so on top of this zeitgeist thing.

    Actually, I'm having a lot of fun with these new stories. I hope people aren't tired of superheroes in two years -- you think?
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