Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Today's fake: memoirist Kathy O'Beirne

Acording to GalleyCat, attacks are increasing on a memoir by one Kathy O'Beirne, "Don't Ever Tell," in which she said she had been enslaved in a Magdalene laundry and abused by Catholic clergy. Her family members are leading the charge, which makes sense in a way "because of the allegations she was making against our father," said O'Beirne's brother, allegations which included beatings and sending the author (or, perhaps we should say, the book's protagonist) to institutions.

So far the publisher is standing by the book, and why not -- the longer you can milk a controversy, the bigger the sales. Who cares if it's true or not? (I say that tongue in cheek -- actually I think it does really matter if memoirs are true.)

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