Yesterday I had the honor of hearing from Uberchick, who I mentioned in my entry on Sep. 24. She told me she was not the "gorgeous" but "boring straight girl" depicted in a set of posted photographs of some party she attended. There were two Asian females at that party, she informs me, and besides, she's not even straight. However, she did not point me to a picture that was of her, so she continues to be a woman of mystery to me and the rest of her readers, which is no doubt how she wants it. Hi Uberchick! Thanks for reading my blog, which is more boring than your blog.
I had a thought this morning about this blog. Like a huge number of other bloggers, I am now unemployed after laboring for some time in the high tech industry. Maybe I labored longer than most of them -- since 1993, when a lot of them were probably in the 10th grade -- but I'm pretty much in the same boat, except that they're all 26 and I'm 46.
Did you know that, if you're over 40 and you get laid off, they have to give you a sheet that shows the breakdown by job title and age of everyone who got hit in the same layoff and everyone who survived? So now I have this list that shows that, of the three people who got laid off in my department, two are over 40 (including me), two are female (not including me), and one is a manager (me). What this tiny sample shows, I don't know, except that everyone they laid off wasn't over 40 or female, in which case they probably would have been in trouble. What it doesn't show is that, of the three people laid off, two of them (including me) had high salaries. I know becase the other two people reported to me.
Anyway, on with my new life. What I was going to say, before that tangent, is that I had a thought, to wit: my blog is going to get a little repetitive now. Before, I could talk a little about work, and about writing my novel, and about being downtown, and about the trips I took for business, and about zazen. Now I can't write about any of those things except writing my novel and zazen. So bear with me. I'll try to find something to write about.
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