Horrible drizzly weather for the last couple of days. The San Francisco summer drought isn't supposed to end like this, with weather that's more likely in July. It's supposed to end with a big rainstorm after a single hazy day.
This morning while sitting zazen, for some reason I got the idea to leave after the bell and before the "service" of prostrations and chanting -- something which is permitted but which I've never done. I tend to think that if you're going to be there and sit, you should join in the whole thing, including the work period afterward. But when the bell rang I got up and quickly booked on out of there. I had breakfast and read the paper, and after the phone woke Cris up, I went in to read the morning paper with her in bed. Then I got sleepy and took a delicious nap -- if you call sleeping from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. a nap. Then I stayed home and worked on my novel. Cris was gardening and the cats hung out with her and didn't bother me, so I got another 1000 words done.
I just finished watching the end of game 4 of the World Series. I haven't seen a single game in its entirety.
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