Saturday, March 29, 2003

Cheaters! Cheaters!

Widely quoted during the last couple of days was an American commander who said Thursday "The enemy we're fighting is a bit different than the one we war-gamed against because of these paramilitary forces. We knew they were here, but we did not know how they would fight.'' Oh really? Then what about this piece from the Guardian (U.K.) about a war game in which a retired U.S. general, playing as the Iraqi forces, used the same underhanded tactics that are now flummoxing U.S. and U.K. troops?

On this gorgeous Saturday, Cris and I are hanging out at home, exercising and doing things to benefit the commonweal -- that is, the household. Cris has an endless store of ideas on how to solve the storage problems in the basement, so today we're putting up some kind of cabinets to store some of the clothes that won't fit in the bedroom. While working in the basement we run the television, flashing between cable TV war updates, baseball games, and wildlife shows. Clearly, our bourgeois life is little affected by either the war or the economy. It does feel unreal.

While protesters in San Francisco mostly took a rest, "hundreds of thousands" demonstrated around the world today.

Oh, and there's this: Bechtel Vies to Rebuild Iraq, a SF Chronicle story that imples protesters who targeted the San Francisco-based construction company at the war's outset were on target. Other stories on Bechtel and Halliburton from the Chronicle: 11 Mar 03 and 28 Mar 03.

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