Monday, February 28, 2005

Let's push things forward

Finally ready to tackle my latest project again, I woke up at 5 a.m. and put in a good 90 minutes. The piece I'm working on is the book I started during National Novel Writing Month in November. Back then I got 20,000 words in (you're supposed to write 50,000) and then ran into the sands, as Edmund Wilson is wont to say in "To the Finland Station" (I'm still pluging away at reading it). In the last couple of weeks I've been psyching myself up to begin again, and so this morning I did, taking advantage of the only quiet time I have available -- the hours before dawn.

Similarly, Cris gets most of her studying done at night after I go to bed. She's a night person, I'm a morning person. The only unfortunate effect is that we rarely spend any time in bed together when both of us are awake.

This morning, a gorgeous spring day after yesterday's storms. So beautiful!

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