Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Focus on the Fundies

Fundamentalist minister Rod Parsley, who is closely tied to right-wing Ohio politician Kenneth Blackwell, is an open bigot:

The God of Christianity and the god [sic] of Islam are two separate beings. ... Muhammad received revelations from demons and not from the true God. ... Islam is an anti-Christ religion that intends, through violence, to conquer the world.

"Rod Parsley and I are friends," Blackwell said. "We have found common ground on a host of social and cultural issues from the protection of innocent life to the defense of traditional marriage."

In the Beliefnet story, back to Parsley now:

Saying success doesn't come without sacrifice, Parsley notes that many people refer to his church as Pentecostal, prompting a treatise on the etymology of the word Pentecost.

"Why do you think they call it Pente-cost?" he roars. "Because it's gonna cost you something!"

Arrgh. Head... hurts...

Also on the fundie beat, the Guardian has a story on the growing market for fundamentalist fiction.


Baraka said...

Hello fellow SF blogger!

Wow. This is pretty scary stuff. Whatever happened to spiritually enriching religion as opposed to that which breeds hate & violence?


Anonymous said...

hmmm, maybe said jerks should read about islam before making ridiculous comments. ugh.