Thursday, July 14, 2005

Reporter 'should be shot' for suggesting Rove broke law: Congressman

A U.S. congressman from New York suggested Tim Russert and other journalists should be "shot, not Karl Rove" for criticizing the portly presidential aide. (Link courtesy Mediabistro's Newsfeed email.)

What was classic about the statements by GOP Congressman Peter King was this rationalization:

Listen, maybe Karl Rove was not perfect. We live in an imperfect world. And I give him credit for having the guts.

Isn't that what they always say whenever one of their own gets caught? Oliver North, G. Gordon Liddy, James Watt, and all the other convicted felons -- they all get a free pass from the party of high moral values and patriotism. And another thing -- isn't it typical for them to equate criticism with "being shot"?

King is becoming well known for his willingness to shoot from the lip. Check out this correspondence when a constituent wrote him to protest Rove's comments a few weeks ago about how liberals merely wanted to "offer therapy and understanding" for Sep. 11 attackers.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

argh, this pisses me off so much. my blood is fucking boiling. as juan cole recently said,
"Since the Bush administration has done so many illegal things, if Washington insiders started blowing the whistle, there could be a hundred Watergates.". See for a well-informed blogger's thoughts on rove.