Thursday, July 14, 2005

Forward into the 21st Century

Noted on BoingBoing, a link to this humorous post about a "renegade party". Fortunately for the rest of us, someone was brave enough to post a comment asking what a "renegade party" is, and the original blogger was kind enough to answer. Apparently it is a sort of rave held without permits on someone else's property, and furthermore seems to be some kind of roots movement:

I know folks have these impressions of ravers as cracked out teens, but that's not what this was at all. Most of us are educated professionals who were sober and being goofy as hell. Many of us grew up on renegade rave culture and love good music and dancing under the stars. Unfortunately, the worst parts of rave culture ruined the fun for the rest of us. All we want is a fun dance party with our friends.

I love how middle-class people with straight jobs take pains to say they are "educated professionals," as distinct from, I dunno, drug-addicted street punks or white-trash oxycontin addicts, I guess. "Oh, I'm not really one of those 'ravers' you hear about, officer/Mom/Dad/boss -- I'm an educated professional with a full-time job, medical benefits, an ESOP program, stock options, airline points and a mortgage. And sober 'as hell.' And soon I will have children, whom I will not believe when they tell me this exact same thing."


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