Monday, September 18, 2006

Another first novel: Families sell

A deal put up on Publishers Marketplace late Friday has a first novel about two Mississippi farming families. (Judging by the plot description, all I can say is, the writing better be really, really good.)

But note the publisher: Algonquin Books. According to this Charlotte News and Observer article:
Hillary Jordan of Tivoli, N.Y., won this year's $25,000 (Bellwether) prize and a contract with Scribner publishing house for her unpublished novel, "Mudbound."
Scribner, eh? And yet the book deal as announced on Publishers Marketplace is a pre-empt, meaning Algonquin gobbled the book up before it was offered to other publishers. I'm not insinuating any funny business, I just wonder what happened.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Bellwether Prize COMES with a Scribner's contract as part of it, so Algonquin must have pre-empted after she won the award.