Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Today's book deal: somebody just got rich

Today's deal for debut fiction -- i.e. someone's first published novel -- is a "major deal," which according to the Publishers Marketplace classifications, means $500,000 and up.

And who is author Julie Buxbaum? Google search; Friendster page. A Harvard law grad who is, according to a piece she just published in their alumni mag, "intentionally unemployed." And from the scale of the book deal she just got, permanently so. That makes her prostestations of poverty pretty thin:
"It must be nice to have a trust fund," they say in response, or "I wouldn't mind having a boyfriend willing to support me." I correct them. No trust fund. Boyfriend yes, but I still pay half the rent, the utilities, the bills, bills, bills. I am eating my nest egg. It tastes bittersweet. I tell them I am using this time off to not only write, but to supplement my education, to read all of the classics I missed the first time around.
Now she'll have lots of time to read, isn't that nice? I only hope she doesn't end up like that other Harvard overnight success.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure she wrote the article before she got the book deal. It says "I tell them I am a writing a book—a novel—and that I have already finished a first draft."

so i guess she didn't even finish writing the book when she was writing the article.