Saturday, March 13, 2004

Film noir

A friend came over to eat sushi and watch Yojimbo, the great samurai film by Kurosawa. But she brought the DVD, and we don't have a DVD player. (Or actually, we do, but it's never been installed.) So she called local video shops until she found a VHS tape, and dispatched me to fetch it.

Me (entering video store): My friend called to see if you would hold something? "Yojimbo."

20-year-old clerk: Hmm? Who'd they talk to?

Me: I don't know. Aren't you holding it?

Clerk (looking at shelf): There's nothing here by that name. Let me check the database...

Me: "Yojimbo."

Clerk: Hmm, we don't have anything by that title.

Me: Want me to spell it? Y-O-J-I-M-B-O.

Clerk: No... It's two words, right?

Me (long pause): No, it's not "Yo, Jimbo!" It's "Yojimbo." It's Japanese.

Clerk: Oh. Yeah. It's in "Asian." Right behind you.

That's about on par with the time I went in to a video store and overheard someone asking for film noir and was directed to the blacksploitation section.

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